
How to Support LGBTQ Students in Public Schools

Q&A with Dr. C.J. Pascoe

"Nice is Not Enough": Public Schools and LGBTQ Youth with CJ Pascoe

Interview with sociologist C. J. Pascoe
Articles & Interviews
A conversation with author C.J. Pascoe
U.C. Press Blog, August 15, 2023
No homo, but Twitter agrees that “no homo” is ridiculous
Queerty, October 2, 2022
‘They think I'm his girlfriend’: People are blaming a random girl for Texas shooting
Vice, May 25, 2022
What Kamala Harris put up with
USA Today, October 9, 2022
Breakup, then breakdown: Men can crumble mentally when romance ends
Health Day February 14, 2022
Vox, Feb 4, 2021
Does the F-Word being a ‘gamer word’ highlight streaming’s homophobia problem?
NME, December 10, 2021
Can straight guys joke about gay stuff without being homophobic?
Instinct Magazine, August 23, 2020
In the United States, the quarrel of the two males
Le Monde, February 16, 2019
Your ex sucks, but capitalism sucks more
The Nation, December 7, 2018
Have most men been in bar fights?
The Cut, October 10, 2018
Men should banish the phrase 'no homo' and hug more instead
Stuff Magazine, August 3, 2017
Men pay a steep price when it comes to masculinity
USA Today, March 31, 2017
The science of sexism: Why workplaces are so hard to change
Live Science, June 16, 2017
Sociology professor weighs in on boy scout's decision to welcome girls
KJZZ, October 20, 2017
Men, women, and guns: Toxic masculinity in mass shootings
KPFA January 6, 2017
I fell for the cult of masculinity—and the myth that men are aggressive by nature
Quartz, November 10, 2017
If you're a good guy you can't possibly be a rapist
Mel Magazine, 2017
Newsweek, October 14, 2016
Vice, April 13, 2016
Gender and Social Justice: A conversation with C.J. Pascoe
Journal of Critical Thought and Praxis Volume 4, Issue 2, 2015, Article 2
Why do men use the word "fag?"
Attn:, November 8, 2015
What about the guys who do fit the 'gay stereotype'?
The Atlantic, May 31, 2013
Shooting sprees start with women
Salon, January 21, 2013
Why we ievel in others' humiliation
Talk of the Nation, August 1, 2011
The Feministing Five: CJ Pascoe
Feministing 2011
How social networking influences coming out
Wall Street Journal, September 30, 2010
Public humiliation: It's not the web, it's us
NPR, October 2, 2010
Which is epidemic -- sexting or worrying about it?
Wall Street Journal April 8, 2009
New York Times, April 16, 2009
Answering parents' MySpace questions
NBC News, May 15, 2008
Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Luddites
Toronto Globe and Mail, November 25, 2008
Frontline, July 17, 2007
Podcasts & Documentaries
What is the link between shame and male violence? Why do we find it hard to value kindness and compassion in men? What role do women play in defining what is expected from men and masculinity? Now more than ever, we need answers to these uncomfortable questions. From the therapy room to the political battlefield, it’s clear the appetite to look beyond traditional gender norms is growing. This film instigates the conversations we need to be having in every aspect of society if we want to facilitate real change.
In The Bro Code and Generation M, filmmaker Thomas Keith examined how American culture bombards young men with sexist and misogynistic messages. In The Empathy Gap, he looks more closely at the ways these messages short-circuit men's ability to empathize with women, respect them as equals, and take feminism seriously.
FRONTLINE peers inside the world of a cyber-savvy generation through the eyes of teens and their parents, who often find themselves on opposite sides of a new digital divide. A generation with a radically different notion of privacy and personal space, today’s adolescents are grappling with issues their parents never had to deal with: from cyber bullying to instant “Internet fame,” to the specter of online sexual predators.
Trained in the Ways of Men is an exploration of the provocative complexities of gender identity; what does it mean to be a man or a woman? Director Shelly Prevost scrupulously examines the murder trial and provides numerous interviews with Gwen Araujo's mother Sylvia and the attorneys involved in the case. Trained in the Ways of Men ultimately encourages us to turn the camera on ourselves and unearth our own buried prejudices and fears.
You know the famous saying about heroes? That you’re not supposed to meet them? Because they invariably let you down. Well I’m sorry this is not one of those stories. CJ Pascoe is one of my academic heroes. She has written or been a part of two of the most influential texts about masculinity I have ever read: “Dude You’re a F*g” and “Exploring Masculinities.” She also has been a part of writing "HOMAGO" which to me is a real influential text understanding how teens use technology. Today it's all about her and her studies, expertise, and journey listening and studying boys.
In this episode, C.J. Pascoe, Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of Oregon, joins us to discuss the ethnographic research she conducted for her award-winning book, Dude, You’re a Fag: Masculinity and Sexuality in High School. We discuss the joys of being an ethnographer, the difficulties of accessing youth culture, and how entering the school allowed C.J. a more nuanced understanding of contemporary masculinity.
Gender & Society: Good Guys Don't Rape
Authors C.J. Pascoe and Jocelyn Hollander discuss their article published in the February 2016 issue of Gender & Society, "Good Guys Don't Rape: Gender, Domination, and Mobilizing Rape."